There are more and more termite barrier types coming onto the market. So which one is the right fit for your home?
How many Barrier types are there? Termite Barriers are categorized into four main types of termite protection.
- Chemical Barrier
- Reticulation System
- Termite Baiting System
- physical termite management
Termite Barriers types
While the Termite Barriers types manufacturers might be different, these are the fundamental designs they all come from.
Chemical Termites Barrier
Termite Barrier Chemical
Firstly, A chemical barrier is a full perimeter treatment around your home. This is when you dig a trench down to the footings. Where accessible this trench will go all around the dwelling. If there are obstructions like pavers, concrete paths, etc. You can remove Pavers and then trench this area as above then place the pavers back. With your concrete areas, you drill holes every 200 mm to 400mm depending on which chemical you use(to inject the chemical through). Depending on the quality of the soil in the trenched areas it is then drenched with a termiticide Preferably Termidor. The soil must be of good quality. If you have poor quality soil we will replace it with more suitable soil. You then saturate the soil with the chemical. Then you add more soil and you fill-up the trench and then you saturate it again in termiticide.
Termidor is Australia’s number one chemical termite protection
Reticulation System
Other Termite Barrier types
Secondly, A reticulation system is similar to the above barrier type. Except you lay a pipe at the bottom of the trench. Like an irrigation pipe, it has been designed to take high-pressure termiticide and disperse it evenly through tiny holes. The trench is backfilled and drenched as per the above barrier. This system a great termite barrier. So when you need your system renewed the cost is dramatically reduced. As all your labor content is not needed. There are refill points every 10 to 12 meters where the Pest Controller just plugs in his pump and refills the system. The cost to recharge the barrier is a fraction of the installation price.
Baiting System
Thirdly A Termite Baiting System is the less invasive of all three white ant barrier types. The termite baiting station is usually a round plastic cylinder. The station is approximately 30cm long and 15cm wide and you dig it into the ground. So You install the stations every 3 meters. At the top is an inspection cap. The stations have timber sleeves inside and in some systems you put an attractant in them. The attractant acts like decayed timber which in turn attracts the termites. Once you have installed the baiting system you then monitor them at 4 to 6-week intervals depending on activity and time of year. When you find termites in the station You add a termite bait for the termites to eat. The bait is pure cellulose with the action in it which destroys termite colonies.
Physical Termite systems.
The physical system is the newest form of protection and all new homes must have one installed. The system uses hard collars for any pipe penetrations and power conduits that come through the concrete slab. Additionally, this stops termites accessing your home through these penetrations. With the chemical treatments under the concrete slab, they would expire and no longer protect your home. Also with no way of replenishing them your home would become high risk for termite entry through these penetrations. So with the use of the physical system your home has protection for at least 50 years.
Termite Barrier Types
The physical blanket is for the perimeter between the concrete slab and brickwork. This system stops termites from entering your home from under the concrete slab. You still must keep your external perimeter clear of gardens and pathways. This will allow you to see termites entering the house over the concrete slab. The physical system makes termites show themselves and they must breach over the system. So we still advise people to have a chemical or baiting system as well.
If you are doing renovations you will have to have this system installed to get your council certification. Give us a call for advice on termite protection before you start building.
Termite Barrier cost in Brisbane
Right, ѕо, tеrmitе trеаtmеnt соѕt in Brisbane – whаt will thе damage bе tо уоur bank bаlаnсе? Thе соѕt оbviоuѕlу dереndѕ оn mаnу diffеrеnt fасtоrѕ, individual to еасh infеѕtаtiоn. Fоr еxаmрlе – thе ѕizе оf the infеѕtаtiоn, thе tуре оf рrореrtу, thе еnvirоnmеnt аrоund thе рrореrtу аnd thе tуре оf tеrmitеѕ рrеѕеnt.
Lеt’ѕ lооk аt ѕоmе figurеѕ fоr thе vаriоuѕ tуреѕ оf Termites trеаtmеnt:-
Bаit: Bаitѕ аrе lаid uѕing суlindriсаl соntаinеrѕ whiсh аrе рlасеd in hоlеѕ аt vаriоuѕ роintѕ rоund thе рrореrtу. Obviоuѕlу, thе tеrmitеѕ аrе аttrасtеd tо thе fооd ѕоurсе – uѕuаllу саrdbоаrd соаtеd with a ѕubѕtаnсе dеаdlу tо termites, thеу соnѕumе this “еаѕу” mеаl, travel bасk tо thе nest to fееd thе оthеrѕ. Grаduаllу thе nеѕt iѕ killеd оff аѕ mоrе аnd mоrе tеrmitеѕ аrе роiѕоnеd.
Termite Trеаtmеnt Cоѕt For Bаit – саn vаrу frоm $2,500 tо $3,500 dереnding оn thе ѕizе оf the building. Thе highеѕt аmоunt wоuld соvеr a рrореrtу оf аrоund 2,500 ѕԛuаrе fееt. Thiѕ trеаtmеnt iѕ оn thе fасе оf it mоrе соѕtlу thаn uѕing сhеmiсаl Termite trеаtmеntѕ. However, it is thе bеѕt ѕоlutiоn fоr аnуоnе with fеаrѕ regarding сhеmiсаlѕ аnd hеаlth iѕѕuеѕ оr еnvirоnmеntаl issues. In Briѕbаnе, Aftеr Eасh уеаr thе ѕеrviсе fее iѕ Uѕuаllу $800-$900 tо Maintain Termite Bаitѕ.
More information can be found on our Termite Barrier Page
To get a quote: So Give Vicki or Lauren a call on 32008586 and they will be happy to hear from you. To Book online just fill out the form for a Quick Quote
Also, You can book a Termite inspection and include a Pest control and will only cost $295.00 saving $85.00.