Mosquito Treatment and Control and what you need to do
The Mozzie Treatment and control measures will help you protect yourself and pets from mosquito bites as they transmit a number of viral diseases including Zika Virus, Ross River fever and Dengue fever and they also spread Heartworm to your pets .read more Here

Sick and Tired of Mosquitoes, Sand Flies, Midges, and Ticks Eating you and your Pets Alive in your Backyard. We offer a very effective mosquito treatment that will significantly reduce the number of mozzies around the home.
Why Choose Certified Home Services for your Mosquito Control.
At Certified Home Services our team of mozzie Treatment Technicians will help you take back the outdoors.
A Significant Reduction of mosquitoes and midges around your home
It is completely safe for your family and pets
Protection for up to 4 to 8 weeks from each treatment
Mosquito and midges control for your home
Friendly Professional Service and it has the added benefit of keeping spiders away .
Mosquito Treatment

How to Protect your family with our safe and effective Treatment
The misting treatment is focused on where the mosquito rests during the day. This will give you the best possible outcome. Misting targeted areas around your gardens and foliage. The mosquito likes to rest in shady spots especially bushes and trees. The other areas we target around the house include rubbish piles, verandas, under eaves. Using a mist spray it bonds to surfaces and foliage, where it is lethal to mosquitoes and midge and even spiders for weeks to come.
What you need to do.
you will need to keep your lawns cut as mosquitoes love long grass to hide and rest.
Keep your trees and bushes trimmed. This will reduce the areas where they can hide.
Clean and flush any bird baths regularly.
Check for anything that will hold water and remove it. (Toys, Buckets, Tarps, Old Tyre’s, etc )
Check your drainage and make sure there are no areas of water pooling.
Clean gutters regularly to prevent mosquitoes from breeding.
Rainwater tanks Check screens and seals on rainwater tanks.
Personnel Protection advice.
When you venture outside to cover up with long-sleeved shirts and long pants. Make sure you Apply a mosquito repellent to exposed skin. Try not to go outside during peak mosquito biting hours around dawn and dusk.
How Safe is the Treatment

What we are using in the treatment
Products we use are a synthetic pyrethroid. The product itself water-based, mixed in water, and will not affect plants. Once dry it is non-toxic to humans and animals however it can be toxic to reptiles and fish in ponds or aquariums. So we take great care to avoid these areas. We will advise you on what you need to do before we treat it.
How Long Does The Treatment Last
The treatment will give its best results during the first 4 weeks but can last up to 8 weeks
How Long does the treatment take
The full service will take about 20-30 minutes. Bigger Homes may take longer to treat. Each treatment will give the best results in the first 4 weeks. It has been shown to be effective for up to 8 weeks. However, we recommend a misting at four weeks intervals to get the best results. The misting also reduces the amount of Midges, spiders, fleas, and Ticks around the yard so your pets will benefit from this as well.
Do you need to be home for the service
The answer is No. Just leave your gate open, Put your pets inside or take them for a walk. we will then treat the areas around your home. When you book with us, we will ask you what time you need the treatment so it is convenient for you. If you would like to be home during the treatment that is great. If not that is fine as well. Furthermore, our fully trained and licensed pest controllers will conduct the service and leave service notice. The Technician will Explain what has been done and what chemical that has been used. The technician will also give recommendations on how to reduce those mosquitoes even more.

Other Services offered.
At Certified Home Services we also offer a complete range of services to help you protect your home.
In addition to mosquito sprays, we also conduct all aspects of Pest Control. We will help you control the rest of that creepy crawlies around your home this will enhance your mosquito spray
Commercial Businesses
We also offer services for commercial businesses, professional mosquito control for your business.
Customers can also be affected by mosquito midges. In fact, the problem will stop people from wanting to spend any amount of time in your business or venue.
We offer The following services
Midge Control.
General Pest control for Cockroaches, ants, and spiders.
Flea control.
End of lease pest control.
Bird Control/Bird Proofing.
Bed bug treatments for both Residential and Commercial.
Pre-Purchase Building and Pest inspections Before you buy your new home.
Pre-Sale Building and pest inspections. So you have no surprises before you sell Your Home.
Termite Inspections and Treatments.
Termite Barriers.
Rodent Control.
So if you are sick and tired of getting bitten and driven back inside and are ready to take back the outdoors, so you and your family can enjoy your surroundings. Give us a call for a free quote.